Our house is finally starting to feel like a home now. Granite was installed on Monday and dishwasher and kitchen sink were hooked up yesterday afteroon. I cooked our first meal last night, although Brayden and I were sad daddy didn't get to enjoy it with us. I made poppyseed chicken casserole with a side of green beans! It was yummooo!!! I'll be cooking it again, and a plus was Brayden LOVED LOVED it. He ate 2 plates of it :) Anyway, really all we like now on the house is having the outside painted and a few touchups on paint on the inside, buy gas logs and get gas tanked moved from my in-laws house. They've had a tank for several years that they haven't even used, and so graciously are giving us the tank :) Which by the way is saving us a ton of money for having to rent one each year and or trying to find a used one for decent money which can take a while to find. So thank you Sandra and Victor! We do appreciate it so very much :) So I just now realized that I never blogged about our trailer AKA pull behind!
We sold it on August 10th and the movers came and picked it up on August 20th. It was a very bittersweet day. Brayden watched the guys through the whole process of getting it moved. I didn't cry, I wanted too very badly but I didn't. I know we had outgrown it, but its just the fact that its the first place we ever lived together, Brayden's first home... :'( It just makes me sad to think that we won't ever see it again. I'm glad that we sold it, I was really scared that we weren't. God took care of us after many many prayers! I think about it all the time, I'm weird I know. I mean we have more room in this house than we know what to do with, we aren't stepping on each other, everything has a place to go, AND that red furniture is gone!!! Tad and I to this day have no idea why in the world we wanted red microfiber furniture! A little piece of advice, microfiber and kids DO NOT mix!!!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week and weekend :)